JUST T0kio H0tel
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JUST T0kio H0tel

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 Paroles: Final Day

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Nombre de messages : 10
Humeur : mh... Tres bonne !
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2007

Paroles: Final Day Empty
MessageSujet: Paroles: Final Day   Paroles: Final Day EmptyVen 21 Sep - 22:43

Final Day

And now we're here again
Up here on the roof so high
The whole world can just go to hell
For what I care tonight
I can feel the end is near
And all thats come is we have fear

And if the final day is come
Let's pretend to carry on
And if the enter is now begun
Live on
Live on

I just can't believe the day has come
Where all the clocks stand still
The horizon seems to disappear
And all our dreams are on fulfilled
I can feel the end is near
And all thats come is we are fear

This is the final day
This is the final day
This is the final-pas-
Upon the roof so high
Let's stay and wait for the morning
Even if is not in site

Has now and just become
No can't pretend to carry on

And if you stay we love away
Live on
Live on
This is the final-pas-
Upon the roof so high
Let's stay and wait for the morning
Live on
Live on

This is the final day!

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