JUST T0kio H0tel
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JUST T0kio H0tel

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 Paroles READY, SET, GO

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Nombre de messages : 106
Age : 30
Localisation : VOsges [88]
Humeur : AmOureuze
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2007

Paroles READY, SET, GO Empty
MessageSujet: Paroles READY, SET, GO   Paroles READY, SET, GO EmptyMer 19 Sep - 20:32

Paroles de READY, SET, GO :

We were running though the town.
Our senses had been drowned.
No place we hadn't been before.

We learned to live and then,
Our freedom came to an end.
We have to break down this wall.

Too young to live a lie ;
Look into my eyes...

Ready, set, go
It's time to run.
The sky is changing, we are one.
Together we can make it,
While the world is crashing down.
Don't you turn around.

We are looking back again ;
Our lonelyness and pain
Never been so wide awake.
Breathe slowly in and out
Somewhere behind the clouds.
I can see the morning break.

Too young to live a lie ;
Look into my eyes...

Ready, set, go
It's time to run
The sky is changing, we are one.
Together we can make it While the world is crashing down.
Don't you turn around.

Leave it all behind you now.
The final wall is breaking down.
We are what it's all about
Nothing can stop us now...

I'll promise you right know.
I'll never let you down...

Ready, set, go
It's time to run !
The sky is changing, we are one.
Together we can make it While the world is crashing down.
Don't turn around.

Ready, set, go
It's time to run !
The sky is changing, we are one.
Together we can make it While the world is crashing down.
Don't you turn around.

Don't you turn around,
Don't you turn around
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Paroles READY, SET, GO
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