JUST T0kio H0tel
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JUST T0kio H0tel

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 Paroles: Don't Jump

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Nombre de messages : 10
Humeur : mh... Tres bonne !
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2007

Paroles: Don't Jump Empty
MessageSujet: Paroles: Don't Jump   Paroles: Don't Jump EmptyVen 21 Sep - 22:33

Don't Jump

On top of the roof
The air is so cold and so calm
I say your name in silence
You don't weant to hear it right now

The eyes of the city
Are counting the tears falling down
Each one a promise of everything
You never found

I scream in to the night for you
Don't make it true
Don't jump

The lights will not guide you through
They're deceiving you
Don't jump

Don't let memories go
Of me and you
The world down there
Out of view

Please don't jump

You open your eyes
But you can't remember what for
The snow falls quietly
You just can't feel it no more

Somewhere up there
You lost yourself in your pain
You dream of the end
To start all over again

I scream in to the night for you
Don't make it true
Don't jump

The lights will not guide you through
They're decieving you
Don't jump

Don't let memories go
Of me and you
The world is down there
Out of view

Please don't jump
Don't jump

I scream in to the night for you
Don't make it true
Don't jump

The lights will not guide you through
They're decieving you
Don't jump

Don't let memories go
Of me and you
The world is down there
Out of view

Please don't jump
Don't jump
And if all that can't hold you back
I'll jump for you
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