JUST T0kio H0tel
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 Paroles SCREAM

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Nombre de messages : 106
Age : 30
Localisation : VOsges [88]
Humeur : AmOureuze
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2007

Paroles SCREAM Empty
MessageSujet: Paroles SCREAM   Paroles SCREAM EmptyMer 19 Sep - 20:26

Paroles de SCREAM :

You get up and somebody tells you where to go to
When you get there everybody's telling you what to do
Thank you, it's been another bloody Monday
And no one is asking what you wanted anyway
Nein nein nein nananana nein (x2)

Scream, til you feel it
Scream, til you believe it
Scream, and when it hurts you
Scream it out loud
Scream, til you feel it
Scream, til you believe it
Scream, and when it hurts you
Scream it out loud
Scream, scream it out loud

Watch out, stay awake, they're lurkin'
Obsess you, they are always workin'
Promising, everything you never asked for
And one day it'll be too late and you're back for more
Nein nein nein nananana nein (x2)

Scream, til you feel it
Scream, til you believe it
Scream, and when it hurts you
Scream it out loud
Scream, til you feel it
Scream, til you believe it
Scream, and when it hurts
Scream it out loud

Back to zero, your time's about to come
Let them know you're not just anyone
Scream, scream it out loud (2x)
Your time's about to come

Scream, til you feel it
Scream, til you believe it
Scream, and when it hurts you
Scream it out loud
Scream, til you feel it
Scream, til you believe it
Scream, and when it hurts you
Scream it out loud


No, can't you feel it
No, can't you believe it
No, and when it hurts you
Scream it out loud
No No No No No No
Scream it out loud

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